....Whilst it has been a very hectic and overwhelming weekend for me and am still trying to be the best person i can, puting everything as minor, its like all my priorities are knocking at my door and all of a sudden, am thinking, Ajike you have to get up and chase your dreams..i may have been too sluggish, but it dawned on me this weekend that am sleeping too much and i need to get up!, as in i need to be Focused..yes that's the word!..Focused...don't know what exactly it was, but i think these few days of having some time alone just splattered thoughts in my mind...thoughts worth pondering over.....
I was in church today, i saw those flashy cars driven by young girls like me, i mean people around me with Gucci bags, Fendi whatever, prada whatever or u know all those things that make you go wow and don't get me wrong, these things are affordable yeah, but to be honest they are not necessities to me, they are luxuries but it won't be a bad idea to have them, as in buy them and not think OMG my account balance is reading RED!...i see these people every sunday at church, paying thier tights,worshiping God the same way i am, as in we are in this same church aren't we?........ whilst am running for the bus, they drive pass me with thier posche, Crystler, or whatever car that makes you look twice and then am thinking, my father can afford to buy me that, but i want my own , as in my very own, i want to be able to afford all these things, i want to have a very good job, i want to be very successful at what i do and love it with a passion!, i want to be independent and maybe just then i won't be bothered about friends that give me different vibes everyday...instead focus on the very ones that give me joy
i personally don't think what makes a man successful in life is by what they wear, or have, or what they do that makes them popular or outstanding, its complicated, you have to be successful alround i think, in relationships with friends, the opposite sex, in every area of your life, you have to be hardworking, and focused..., well am still yet to find out what it means to be successful, but whatever it is , i am starting to chase it until i find it!!..I may have been too sluggish on my part, i need more push, i need to be strong not weak, forgiving not recentful, submissive and not skeptical, i need to be a better person, i need to learn to follow my heart and not my mind, it's time to be that success i was made to be, and its starting from now..
Being 22, it's not a barrier, no excuses for failing my exams anymore, Acca is nothing, but exams that need to be passed, i haven't even been searching for any jobs although i get some jobs every now and then which isn't what i want to do, and yet i see some of my friends in thier third job since we left uni as in accounting jobs, i make excuses as to why they do and i don't....its crazy like that....they are not any different from me, all this crap about one thing, one person is not there for me needs to stop..as in STOP, i need to stop wanting people, instead ild let them want me..i need to stop making excuses for why things cannot be achievable, i need to finish everything it is i came to this country to do and leave, as in get out of here!..it's time to be Focused!!!
People help me out, tell me what success is?....
I am first!!!
Honey it is as if you have delved into my mind and just scooped in. I was thinking about the same thing and have been talking about it with a friend because i really think i can do better in everything
I believe passion is essential for success. Like you said as soon as you focus your mind.... nothing can stand in your way.
My advise is to find something you love, look at the market and see how you can tap into in. Do your researh and then follow your heart. There is always room at the top
I felt really motivated by your post and i am even more focused myself
Goodluck girl and let me know how it goes.
Success is contentment. Looking back and being happy with where you are at and also setting sights on where you wanna be. That's how i see it
hey dearie pants!
am loving ur new motivation oh...to like good thing good oh...so like Rischard Branson would say..."Screw it, just do it"
Success varies from person to person. For some it is managing career, home and friends. For others, it is achieving a certain amount of money in the bank account. All you can do is create a plan of what you want to achieve, map out your route to this achievement and follow it. As long as you put your faith in God and apply yourself, you'll get there. It might not happen tomorrow, but you will get there.
Take care!
my dear, the way forward is by forgettin about the people and things u see in the church for sometimes things just are not wat they seemingly apear to be,
if u really are 22, then the time to start mappping out plans for urself is now,
Like solomonsdylle said, success is relative..
For some, acquiring the designer bags and flashy cars is the height of their acheivement while for others, its having a good career, building strong frienship& relationships that matters.
I say success bothers on happiness and contentment, once you're happy & satisfied with results of stuff you embark on(be it exams or just anything) you're succesful...And it doenst end there, it is Unending.
Thank you so much, Jarria,nice anon,charizard,solomonseydelle, ms emotions and tiffanycaselady..
i will put on mind all your contributions and try and make the best outta life...
i really appreciate that you guys have chipped in..thanx a great deal for stopping by!
Hmmm you got me thinking really deep. I feel you my sister, you can do it all you need is just be sure of what you really want and pursue them vigorously through hard work and focus. Don't compare yourself with your contemporaries too much. The idea is good though as in it keeps on your toes but sometimes people go beyond their boundaries to get material things e.g uneccessary borrowing.
that was deep luv, this just shows how smart u r not wanting to depend on people but urself. and i agree with jarrai...u already have the passion, so success is gonna be here in no time...thou i cant really tell u wat success is cos it means different things for different people.
lol @ fidjit and thanks for the birday wishes:-)
@ todays rsntings...thanx for your word so..lol at borrowing..haba, that i can never do untop wetin, i go dey borrow money because i wan pose..lol]
i agree sha many people do it..thanx 4 stopping by
@ soupa darling...hmm at being smart, thank you o...i am smart like duh..LOL...
Sucess is subjective love . . . . not objective. It's always bad to compare your life with another person's . . . even if they're in the same age group. If I were to do that, I'll probably be suicidal. But by my own measures, I'm successful (and so are you). Come on babes, you're getting your ACCA! You know what that is? Half the ppl that go into Accounting jobs right out of school have to wait another 3 years to complete teh ACCA with the training contract . . . . but you'll be done soon . . . . and your worth will be increased (earnings wise).
I've always told myself that the time for prada/fendi/flashy cars will come. For some, they're doing it (and hurting themselves in the process i.e. credit cardds). You really can't tell a person's situation just by looking at them. Trust me. In a few years now (if not by next year), all this will mean NOTHING to you . . . you'll be balling! Your time shall come . . . . just be patient.
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